
to The ANSTO Research Portal.

This is your gateway to all of ANSTO’s research facilities and experience.

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The 2025-2 proposal rounds are currently open:
  • Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering & National Deuteration Facility closes on 14 April 2025
  • Other ANSTO facilities and capabilities (Centre for Accelerator Science, Environment Research and Technology Group, Health Research and Technology Group, Vivarium Facility & Nuclear Stewardship) has closed.

The ANSTO Research Portal

ANSTO, one of Australia's largest public research organisations and custodian of much of our country's landmark and national research infrastructure, is home to the Open Pool Australian Light-water (OPAL) multi-purpose research reactor, the Australian Synchrotron, the Centre for Accelerator Science, the National Deuteration Facility and the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering.

The ANSTO Research Portal has transitioned to permit merit access submissions to all ANSTO NSW based facilities and capabilities from August 2021. Previously access to the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering and the National Deuteration Facility was via the ACNS Customer Portal. The 'Legacy' ACNS Customer Portal will still be used for non-merit access but will eventually be phased from use and data transferred to the ANSTO Research Portal.

Access to the Centre for Accelerator Science, Environment Research & Technology Group, Nuclear Stewardship, Biosciences and Vivarium capabilities will be via the 'Other NSW Facilities and Capabilities' proposal button/tab. This has been renamed from 'Access' proposals.

Access requests to the Australian Synchrotron at ANSTO's Victorian campus are via its dedicated portal.

Each year almost 7000 visiting researchers from other Australian research organisations and international research centres have access to a wide range of world-class research facilities that support research in a broad range of areas including human health, our environment and innovation for industry.

Mosaic of ANSTO Images